
Final Fantasy 4 Pixel Remaster Completed! - Mr. P Reviews Stuff - Ep. 06

Though it took me a little longer than originally desired due to life getting in the way of gaming (the nerve of it), I have finally finished the Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster. It would have been done sooner had I not screwed up at the end and had to replay the last third of the game at least three times due to messing up completion criteria. That's more of a me problem though than anything else.

There really isn't much that was changed in this version though I'm not sure which difficulty this follows whether it was the original Super Famicom release, the difficulty of the 3DS version, or some mixture of the various ports, and there have been a lot of ports over the years.

The game still retains its charm after all these years and it's been making me want to finally get caught up on the FFXIV main scenario since I don't think I've really played since patch 6.1. I've got time though.

Anyway, FFIV is what introduced us to the Active Time Battle (ATB) system which was the first in many alterations to the battle system that would lead to things like the battle systems of FFXIII, FFXV, and now the upcoming FFXVI with its emphasis on straight-up action.

This game also solidified the trope of "killing" characters only for it to be revealed that they weren't really killed off as we suspected. While I understand it can be frustrating to newcomers to the series and especially those who aren't familiar with the anime-esque tropes the series has been indulging in quite some time, the fact remains that Final Fantasy IV has been going down this road for decades.

Getting overpowered in this game doesn't take that much effort compared to previous entries and there have been some patches to up the drop rates for things like secret summons and pink tails, making farming these much easier.

Overall, it's a good opportunity to see Cecil and the gang again, or for some of you, the very first time.

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