
Silent Hill 2 Remake is Woke!": Gamers Flip out Again due to Lack of Balance and Objectivity - Mr. P Talks about Stuff Ep. 01


Nothing aggravates me more than seeing people on my side misrepresent or exaggerate their position for clicks. Even worse is when the lunatics take over the asylum and the worst possible arguments begin to be picked up by the opposing side. In recent news, the Silent Hill 2 Remake has been getting a bunch of slack from the anti-woke side of things, and it's not quite being discussed fairly. In this video, I take the time to do some A-B comparisons with the original and show that, despite their being legitimate concerns and criticisms, much of what is being said is, at this point, completely overblown.

Check out my shill essay! Well, I'm told I'm a shill for not hating it before release, so there's that.


Stellar Blade: A Hot Asian Girl Destroys Humanity - Mr. P Reviews Stuff - Ep. 13


Stellar Blade is a solid game surrounded by controversy and retardation. That's right I said it. Long story short, the combat is solid, the visuals are great (and I don't just mean Eve), the soundtrack slaps, and the challenge is pretty balanced. So why is it surrounded by controversy?

Well, on one side are the games "journalists" who admitted to liking the game but had to find some reason to complain about Eve for being just too sexy (as if being a beautiful and obviously feminine woman is a bad thing). These same people praised other games with nudity and no censorship, like the Last of Us 2 where the very masculine looking Abby get's railed from behind by a guy who resembles one of the higher ups at Naughty Dog who published the game. That all gets praised, but because Eve is hot, she appeals to the "male gaze" and that's just bad...for some reason. I've never understood why.

On the other side of the argument are those who hated some of the bait and switch tactics used in the final release of the game which have been argued to be a form of censorship. This isn't without some grain of credulity, I'm just not sure I agree it's censorship since the publisher has done this before with other games they've made such as Nikke. It's now reached a fever pitch where the journalists claim the anti-censorship crowd are just a bunch of horny gamers masturbating furiously while trying to play the game, and the anti-censorship side is not doing themselves any favors by complaining about very minute changes that have almost no impact on Eve's appearance in any of her long litany of costumes, many of which are even more titillating than the costumes which have been claimed to be censored. In other words, they're not doing themselves any favors and at this rate aren't going to beat the allegations of being just a bunch of coomer brained perverts. Personally, I think both sides are going too far in their positions, and need to chill out.

One thing I neglected to mention in the video is the story. It's...okay. It's not the greatest or most engaging story in the world and some of the twists you can sort of see coming from a mile away, but the main thrust of the story centers around the fate of humanity and what it actually means to be human. It doesn't quite go in the same direction as Nier Automata though there are certainly some inspirations. I prefer Nier's story better, but Stellar Blade's story isn't terrible. There is some vagueness to it, but if you do enough side quests and pick up collectibles, much of that is filled in through environmental storytelling, so take that for what it's worth. Overall, it's enjoyable so long as you tune out the nonsense surrounding it and don't let yourself become polarized.


Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth or Afterbirth? - Mr. P Reviews Stuff - Ep. 12


People have been clamoring for the next installment of the Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy for several years now and released at the end of February 2024 for the Playstation 5. I played it, but as a fan of the franchise in general rather than a rabid devotee of Final Fantasy VII. I've long been annoyed with FFVII's fame and the obsessive dedication some have to this particular game, but after playing through Rebirth, I admit that it's hard to argue with why this particular game the worldbuilding that has taken place with the world of Gaia over the last several years has cultivated such a rabid fanbase.

Is the game good? Absolutely. The combat is still fast and fun with a good deal of challenge and complexity that was evident in FFVII: Remake and Intermission. Anyone who enjoyed those for the combat will feel right at home here. The expansive world is gorgeous and a joy to explore. The soundtrack is amazing as well and does a good job replicating classics from the original game and introducing some new songs based on themes from the original as well as some wholly original songs.

The issue with Rebirth is it gets bogged down with unnecessary minigames that turn completing the game into an absolute chore. Still, the story is worth working through if you liked the direction Remake was taking and wanted to see more. If you hated the changes in Remake, well, you'll hate the story here too, possibly even more even though it largely follows the same story beats as the original.

Anyway, enjoy the video where I explore this in more depth.


SMRPG and Other Quick Game Reviews: Why Can't I Manage All My Time - Mr. P Reviews Stuff - Ep. 11


Yes, I'm a bit behind the curve. Yes I had said I was going to provide a review of Super Mario RPG for Nintendo Switch. Yes that was several months ago. Yes, I've been procrastinating once again. That's only because I've been playing that along with a few other titles. So, here's a quick review of SMRPG as well as a couple other titles I've burned through over the last two months as well as a quick look at other games I'm currently playing in the mean time. I'm not reviewing all of them, just mentioning them. Take a look!

Silent Hill 2 Remake is Woke!": Gamers Flip out Again due to Lack of Balance and Objectivity - Mr. P Talks about Stuff Ep. 01

  Nothing aggravates me more than seeing people on my side misrepresent or exaggerate their position for clicks. Even worse is when the luna...