
The Authority of Scripture and Sola Scriptura - Mr. P Talks Theology - Ep. 01


For the past couple of months, I've been wanting to share a conversation I had on the YouTubes with an individual on a Babylon Bee video. It sounds riveting, I know. However, the discussion itself shifted from defending the Doctrines of Grace from spurious attacks from your standard internet denizen suffering from ACDS (Anti-Calvinist Derangement Syndrome) to the topic of the authority of scripture. Now, the conversation regarding Calvinism was threaded throughout, but the main issue I want to focus on here is how we as Christians view the Bible and how we are to treat it as authoritative. Suffice it to say, if I had to choose a title card to summarize the conversation, it would be from an old Windows first-person shooter called:

Did you know it was allegedly possible to complete disregard scripture as authoritative and yet still try to quote it as authoritative when it suits your agenda? Did you also know it makes no sense to do that and it's a complete waste of time? I don't go around trying to model my life after Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or Goosebumps. If scripture is on par with that level of fiction, then what difference does it make what it says? Might as well ignore it and do whatever you want because it's not worth your time to live by. It's no more binding and authoritative than the works of Jordan Peterson. Sure, there may be some good advice, but if you reject it, so what? Why bother trying to get anyone to live by it either? Let people do whatever they want.

Of course, most people who are Christians don't actually want to take that position. It's a ridiculous position to hold to. It's just as ridiculous as someone who doesn't believe anything the Bible says wanting to a pastor. Why waste your time? Unfortunately, this subpar view of scripture has become prevalent in the west via liberal Christianity (which isn't actually Christianity at all). Sadly, many gullible Christians fall into the same trap, or they simply don't recognize it for being as intellectually bankrupt as it is. Most are willing to go along to get along without calling their liberal "Christian" friends out on such a vital issue. If we are to be disciples of Christ, we have to hold to the same view of scripture as our Lord did, and he certainly didn't take a piecemeal approach to it or see it as the mere writings of ignorant men. So, when we come across those who would seek to denigrate and undermine the authority of scripture, or even supplant it by an appeal to a particular "Church" as their final authority, we must stand firm and hold to the position of the apostles and the Reformers that not only are the scriptures the inspired word of God, but they are the only ultimate authority by which we are to be governed.

Sola Scriptura!

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