"In the Vault" by H.P. Lovecraft - Mr. P Reads Stuff - Ep. 04
The Authority of Scripture and Sola Scriptura - Mr. P Talks Theology - Ep. 01
Did you know it was allegedly possible to complete disregard scripture as authoritative and yet still try to quote it as authoritative when it suits your agenda? Did you also know it makes no sense to do that and it's a complete waste of time? I don't go around trying to model my life after Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or Goosebumps. If scripture is on par with that level of fiction, then what difference does it make what it says? Might as well ignore it and do whatever you want because it's not worth your time to live by. It's no more binding and authoritative than the works of Jordan Peterson. Sure, there may be some good advice, but if you reject it, so what? Why bother trying to get anyone to live by it either? Let people do whatever they want.
Of course, most people who are Christians don't actually want to take that position. It's a ridiculous position to hold to. It's just as ridiculous as someone who doesn't believe anything the Bible says wanting to a pastor. Why waste your time? Unfortunately, this subpar view of scripture has become prevalent in the west via liberal Christianity (which isn't actually Christianity at all). Sadly, many gullible Christians fall into the same trap, or they simply don't recognize it for being as intellectually bankrupt as it is. Most are willing to go along to get along without calling their liberal "Christian" friends out on such a vital issue. If we are to be disciples of Christ, we have to hold to the same view of scripture as our Lord did, and he certainly didn't take a piecemeal approach to it or see it as the mere writings of ignorant men. So, when we come across those who would seek to denigrate and undermine the authority of scripture, or even supplant it by an appeal to a particular "Church" as their final authority, we must stand firm and hold to the position of the apostles and the Reformers that not only are the scriptures the inspired word of God, but they are the only ultimate authority by which we are to be governed.
Sola Scriptura!
"Goldie Pinklesweet" by Roald Dahl - Mr. P. Reads Stuff - Ep. 03
Back in sixth grade, my teacher, Mrs. Hamilton (if you'rereading this, hi!), took time just about every day to read stories to us. Partially this was to get us exposed to different famous children's books, but also to give us time to relax and maybe even take a quick nap. Either way, I recall at one point her reading to us the sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which was none other than Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. I don't recall too much about the story other than the Vermicious Knids (which were also little enemies that you had to fight in some of the online Willie Wonka flash games on their website at the time) and the poem here, "Goldie Pinklesweet". If I remember correctly, the grandparents had all taken a bunch of pills that made them younger and to the point that they were all newborns again. One blipped out of existence because while all the rest were 80 years old, she was only 79 and thus took one too many. Thus was the stage for the Oompa Loompas to come give a brief talk about drug abuse.
Of course, nowadays Dahl's works among others are getting revised for a "modern audience" (one of the worst things to ever hear about an adaptation). Numerous changes were made and words were censored in favor of slightly less "offensive" terms. When one asks "who are these words offensive to," the answer is the people on the editorial board. Just who was on the board?
From the article:
The company hired to revise Roald Dahl’s books only uses “woke” consultants under the age of 30 and once employed a project manager who describes themselves as a “non-binary, asexual, polyamorous relationship anarchist.”
What!? You mean to tell me that the people who were doing this were a bunch of activists whose descriptions read like something an edgy teenager was putting in their bio on Tumblr almost a decade ago? You mean they read like the description of someone who is "chronically online" and doesn't have a firm grasp of objective reality!? Who would have ever guessed!?
Silent Hill 2 Remake is Woke!": Gamers Flip out Again due to Lack of Balance and Objectivity - Mr. P Talks about Stuff Ep. 01
Nothing aggravates me more than seeing people on my side misrepresent or exaggerate their position for clicks. Even worse is when the luna...

It's no shock to anyone who has been following this blog or knows me in person that I am a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series. So, it ...
Father's Day is upon us and I am once again reminded of the burden a Father has to lead and set an example for His family. This is no si...
If I hadn't made it clear by now, I've been heavily influenced by Ron Hamilton over the years as far as musical tastes are concern...