
Continued Response to a Two-Sentence Horror Story - Mr. P Talks Theology - Ep. 07

 As promised, part two is finally here and this time I finished getting through the rest of the original post on Reddit that inspired this series. Last time, we dealt with the setting of the story and the father dying "as a Christian". If you listened to the previous installment, you'll know that description is utterly meaningless without further qualification and then we dealt with the issue of whether or not it would be just for the father to be in Heaven under any circumstances. The answer was, of course, maybe. It depends on what you're defining as Christian. If it's by biblical standards, the only circumstance would be that of true repentance and faith resulting in works which serve as proof of genuine conversion and regeneration.

In this video, we deal with the issue of whether or not it would be fair for the daughter to be in Hell if she lost her faith because of something that happened to her. Well, if unbelief is a sin and if apostasy is evidence that true faith never existed in the individual in the first place, then yes. It would be fair and just. Does it mean she was suddenly innocent of every other sin she ever committed before then?

What about the mother? Is the mother unfairly brainwashed by God to not suddenly think His judgement of sin and actions concerning the father and daughter were unjust? It's heavily implied that God is essentially a capricious and unfair monster in this area. However, what does scripture say about this sort of thing let alone how we will see things when Christ returns in judgement?

All of this is covered more in depth in the video but suffice it to say, no, it is not unjust or unfair for the daughter to be condemned, and the mother, if my understanding of scripture is correct, would not see God as being a callous monster unjustly condemning innocent people to torment.


Beginning Response to a Two-Sentence Horror Story - Mr. P Talks Theology - Ep. 08

I've finally quit being lazy and decided to start my response to the two-sentence horror story on Reddit that began my series on basic Christian doctrines a couple of months ago. Though I had intended to get through all of the initial post in this video, I made it through roughly two-thirds of the first sentence. So, really about par for the course for me.

As for what I was able to get through in this installment, I briefly covered the setting of the story (standing at the pearly gates and talking to a scribe) and then getting into the application of the doctrine of salvation and what it actually means to be a Christian. I don't think the author had any understanding of what Christianity actually is and sees it as nothing more than the equivalent of party affiliation. If you claim to be a Christian, that's all that matters apparently. Well, not so much according to the Bible.

That said, there is another angle that I decided to tackle and that is the idea that if anyone is ever evil in life, they are permanently excluded from salvation and Heaven no matter what. Again, this isn't really accurate biblically either. The criminal on the cross and the testimony of the apostle Paul stand in stark contrast to such a claim. So I took some time to examine that as well.

There's a lot of scripture to cover in this video and I've put all the text on the screen as usual. I hope it's encouraging to you, especially if you're new to the faith and don't know how to start responding to these sorts of things. If you're not and you somehow come across this, I hope it gives you a better understanding of the gospel and I pray that God uses it to reveal the truth to you.

Thanks for coming, enjoy the video, and God bless.

Silent Hill 2 Remake is Woke!": Gamers Flip out Again due to Lack of Balance and Objectivity - Mr. P Talks about Stuff Ep. 01

  Nothing aggravates me more than seeing people on my side misrepresent or exaggerate their position for clicks. Even worse is when the luna...